My character deals with a fluid concept of cyborgs:
R-HA, an inner cyborg.
A composition of different shapes and elements that can build itself together and dissolve.   

But what is it about?

RHA is a creature of information. It thrives, lives after expanding its mind. If it doesn’t, it falls into its parts and is nowhere to be seen. A wild character out of different shapes. It is lethargic and has no energy. Everything seems to be sleepy, wrapped into a big ball of cotton. Hard to grasp.
When it starts to learn something its energy rises.
The input RHA uses to come alive appears in the form of spaghetti. A flexible, agile and friendly nourishment that brings a lot of energy. Thats why RHA loves spaghetti.

How does the body form different shapes?
How far can a movement be abstracted? 

I tried to apply this link between movement, static shapes and compositions in my concept.


                                                                                    see more: Research Documentation

“Human biological brains are, in a very fundamental sense, incomplete cognitive systems. They are naturally geared to dovetail themselves, again and again, to a shifting web of surrounding structures, in the body and increasingly in the world.“ (3)
“Haraway thus emphasized that the cyborg was a creature that fundamentally functioned through receiving, transmitting, and controlling information, a “substance”that, because of the multiple media into which it could be translated, often appeared to be insubstantial or noncorporeal. And these noncorporeal aspects of the cyborg often made it seem uncanny, magical, mystical, or even monstrous.” (2)


see more: how it started: animatic
       see more: how it continued: first end-version                                            


(1)Donna Haraway,The Cyborg-manifesto
(2)Matthew Byyro, The Dada Cyborg: Visions of the new human in Weimar Berlin
(3)Andy Clark, Natural-born Cyborgs

Jun Miyake, Lillies of the Valley
Shigeru Umebayashi 
Video References

(4)Oskar Schlemmer, Triadisches Ballett
(5)Emlen Etting, Oramunde
(6)Trisha Brown, Watermotor

First studies by Valentina Stahnke