... is a disabled creature living in a forest, in it's cave. Someday, it decided to enhance its body to become a silly walking and communicating cyborg.

The Desires

Get accepted in the society as a self-living cyborg.
    need movement
    need communication


    A disabled creature wants to enhance itself and wants to be free, independent and on it’s own. The vision of the character is to become a walking and communicating creature. Born without any legs, ears, and mouth, the character wants to leave its cave and find something for self-enhancing. The wish of walking is the most important for the character and has to be achieved first. Even if it wants to leave the shelter, where it was born, it has no destination as a place at all, more the ability of walking and the discovering the surrounding world.

The Plan

   Living alone in the forest, gave it a lot of time for thinking. While observing other social walking organisms, it decided to leave its home with its strong desires but also with the uncertainty of achieving its plan and to stay alive on its way, becaus of its weakness. It is fine with these risks, because living alone in its shelter is no option anymore.

The Awakening

   The starting point is when the character leaves the cave on its way to the trail, where it observed and collected old machine components from the humans. While collecting the components it builds its own legs without returning to its cave. That plan was created in the shelter before. Building its legs was the characters’ first milestone. For the first time, it will try to stand up and make the first steps in its live. That is a highly important moment for the character because it achieved its first desire. Now SOB is able to walk and discover the surrounding environment, the forest.

The Comprehension

   After learning to walk, the character is at a crossroads: it has to decide if it should go further along the trail to join the society or if it should go deeper into the forest to finish its enhancement. It follows its own plan and accepts that it has to finish the own preparation before joining the society, even if failing is a possibility. Without the skills of movement and communication, it can not become accepted in the society as a cyborg.

The Clash

   The character trains its newly gained skill and discovers the endless seeming forest to search something to solve the communication problem. But instead of finding something, it will be found by a little creature, which has the same need as the main character. Both need someone to keep them alive. The main character for the communication problem and the medium, as it is called, need a host, they can live on. So after a chaotic clash of them, they decided to make a hosting agreement and merge to one system.

The End

   Finally, the character is prepared for its last step. While walking confidently and self-living, it tackles the route towards the society. The viewer can only imagine the rest of the story, because at that point, the character is leaving us and disappears into the forest.





... was built using the p5js and underscorejs libraries to create a generative abstract forest with code that looks slightly different on each execution. As a result, a set of moving backgrounds was programmed, using one generation for each green screen scene.

Use the Rerun-Button in the lower right corner of the codepen to get the effect.