A story designed by
Natália Mota


Farrah is living in a world where death is the biggest taboo of all and all the other animals are erradicated from Earth. In order to dodge our own mortality and destruction drive, people started transforming themselves into animal cyborgs. The robotic parts start to collect your conscience as soon as you're implanted with them, making sure that at least your thoughts are kept alive forever. In this sense, all of the individual lives are later transformed into Collective Conscience, a system design to perfect the human race.

In this society, people aren't allowed to show themselves in public, because the more robotic parts you have, the closer you are to your physical death. Accidents might happen and with them, your possibility to become part of the perfecting system will be gone. You'll be merged with other animal cyborgs similar to yourself, suffer from a shattered conscience and be put into Frankenstein Zoo.

Where's our privacy, individuality and intimacy?  


